Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Order Will Come Out of Chaos As a World Wide Martial Law Is Enforced

Message from Our Lord given to Beloved Shelley Anna


Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Elohim says.

My beloved ones, remain always, faithful and true, dwelling in My Sacred Heart.

I am your only safe refuge from a sinister darkness that has entered the church, corrupting hearts, making way for the antichrist’s rule over a one world religion.

My beloved ones, now is the time, to complete your armor, equipping your shield of faith, a much needed defense from this darkness. Hold fast to My traditions, let not your faith falter. Many will fall away unto doctrines of demons.

ORDER WILL COME OUT OF CHAOS As a world wide martial law is enforced.

War is imminent. Fear not! My remnant is protected behind a line of defense, where you are surrounded by My legions of angels. Take comfort in My words, and rest in My arms, I love you, and have not abandoned you.

Remain in constant communion with Me, through prayer, communing with Me in My Holy Eucharist ;as often as you can, drawing your strength from Me.

Thus saith, The Lord.


Source: ➥